Lucky Ape Troubleshooting

Why can’t I see my winnings in my wallet?

When you collect winnings, they may not appear in your wallet’s transaction logs as usual. This is because they use a different type of transaction: Internal transactions.

Why aren't the results of my round showing?

There is a 15 block buffer on each round, which can cause delays of up to 45 seconds after the end of a round.

This buffer is to accommodate for the fact that we may not be able to reliably fetch a price and end a round immediately: various blockchain factors affect the speed in which transactions get confirmed on the network.

I can’t collect my winnings!

Make sure you have enough $BNB in your wallet to pay for gas fees. You’ll need a little $BNB to trigger the smart contract.

I can't claim winnings from a prediction round on site.

You might be able to claim your winnings directly from the contract. Follow the steps in the 3 tabs below.

How to check the history of rounds you played

  1. Go to BscScan page of the Lucky Ape contract.

  2. Scroll down to “8. getUserRounds”.

  3. Type in your wallet address under “user(address)”.

  4. Set “cursor(uint256)" to 0 and “size(uint256)" to 1000.

  5. Tap “Query”

  6. Rounds you entered will show below in the first row. (after “uint256[]:”)

Last updated